Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Things They don't Tell Men about Pregnancy

Savannah was wondering what to write about about and some funny stuff came to mind.  It is Wren here for today and I thought her post "Things no one tells you about pregnancy"was pretty funny.  Well here are some funny things from a man's point of view on pregnancy.  These are things that no other father has warned me about that have been quite humorous.

First of all let me show you what my sleeping conditions are like. 

 That's right!  There is my little space on the left of two horseshoe pillows.  I still sleep good and the monster horse shoe pillow can be kind of nice to lean against.  My space has been limited to a width of about 3 feet and yes the one in the giant horse shoe tends to end up with all the blankets.  For the first time in our marriage Savannah is the one who is hot in the night and I have been cold.  She loves to turn our fan on full blast and let me tell you it is a great joy sleeping in the wind!  I get the experience of being outside without really being there ha ha.  I have to bundle up my ears and face to protect myself from these harsh elements.
 One of my favorite things to do is feel the baby move.  He moves all the time and it is awesome to be able to feel that.  However, one thing Savannah could work on is understanding how the human arm was meant to be moved.  She likes to grab my arm and put it on her stomach, but she does it not thinking of the direction I am facing or the direction that my arm could be moved in.  Yes, of couse I want to feel the baby, but I don't need you to bend and twist my arm like Chuck Norris in order to do so.  
 Other things that are funny include but are not limited to: Retrieving random food late such as salt n' vinegar chips with grapefruit juice, scratching the belly, getting woken up one or two hundred times per night when she goes to the bathroom, buying hot dogs more than normal, seeing Savannah want more food than me, and middle of the night baths followed by 15min nose blowing sessions.  

I love Savannah pregnant though!! It is so amazing and fun.  She is the cutest pregnant lady ever! She has been so happy and positive and I cannot wait to meet Mr. Baby.  It will be so fun to have a little family.

Now I think Savannah usually says link away my pretties. . .I feel like a creeper doing that but there you have it!  Have a great Wednesday!

Now you know what time it is...

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