Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Slipper Dreamer

1. Sperry Top-Sider Slippers
2.  Old Friend Slipper  
3.  Ugg Dakota Slippers
I recently went and visited my friend Janae, who had the cutest little boy ever BTW, in the hospital last week.  She was wearing these gloriously comfortable and cute purple Ugg slippers (i.e. #3), and I couldn't get over how much I loved them!  At home, I honestly probably go through five pairs of socks a day.  I can't handle feeling any amount of anything under my bare feet on our hardwood floors.  Slippers seem like the perfect solution!  So I was on the prowl for some cute ones today, and although I have no business spending this much money on any of these (and I won't) it's still fun to look and share with you kind souls.
Which ones are your favorite?  
Anyone out there have a favorite slipper?  Preferably cheaper?