Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bedroom Do-Over, Again....The 3,524,125,120 Time ;)

So I decided it was time for another revamp of the bedroom.  
I don't know what it is about bedrooms and me, I just love them to be fun and comfy.  

I went ape and made all new pillows..... again.  I have a problem.  I bought all the fabric from
K so I have always wanted a headboard like this.  It's just hard to come by them, and whenever I did, I didn't like the shape or the color or they were way too expensive.  Well when I spotted this beaut at Pier One, my cute mother-in-law let me use her Pier One credit card to get 10% off of it.  BUT she's way too nice cause she wouldn't let me pay her back!  What?!  Who does that? ;)  She wanted it to be an early birthday present.  I'm very spoiled to have her!
Thanks Hollie!
I LOVE it :)
For three and a half years, ever since we got hitched, I have wanted lamps like these.  I just couldn't get my bad self to throw $100 down for a lamp.  So I would find cheapy ones and just cover them.  Well finally I decided to splurge and get big people lamps.  I picked em up from Hobby Lobby.  They were normally $100, but I went when the lamps were half off. 
Yay for halfies!  

Our wall of windows faces east so in the morning we get hit with the big ball sun like it's no one's business.  I actually really loved the look of not having drapes, but the blinds just weren't cutting the brightness in the morning.  So after endless searching tons of stores for months for a rod that would actually fit the length of the windows, and drapes that were 118" long, I finally found them at Ikea....  Everything I had been searching for for forever (you liked that I wrote "for" three times didn't you?) was all sitting in a ten foot by ten foot radius at Ikea.  Remember this will you?  Then my endless searching will not have been in vain  :)
The windows and view have been 100% worth the hot mornings too BTW, we wouldn't trade em for anything.
Plus I can lay out neked on by bed and get my white bod tan....
 Look at that :)
You've already seen the dresser we re-did here.  
But I found a little tray-sure (how my grandma says it) at Ross to add to it.  
This little gold heart frame.  $6.99 baby.
I'm quite fond of my tray-sure and even fonder of that little ball of scrumptiousness inside the frame.  That's Eden, Wren's little sister when she was a baby.
I'm hoping for an exact mini-me of her one day :)