Monday, April 16, 2012

This Weekend We...

Went to my parents for dinner and had some darned good steak, salmon, and baked potatoes.  After which, we lounged around and talked for hours on the couches while my sisters fumigated the entire house from all the nail polish I gifted them.    
We also got the rest of our packing done as well as patching and painting all the nails holes.  In fact, we finished most of the cleaning as well (the absolute worst part of moving in my opinion!)  We close on our house Wednesday (YAY!) and just want to be able to devote every single hour in that short week we have to fix ups and painting the house. 
Feels amazing to have the current place pretty much ready to go.  
I'm already feeling a thousand times less stressed!  
Let the next couple weeks begin.  I'm so ready. 
