Monday, October 10, 2011

Blogging Party at Dear Lizzie

Friday night my cute blogging friend Gentri arranged a big blogging party with all her blog friends.  Wow, blog, blog, blog, blog.  I'll say it again.  Blog :)  
She hosted it at Dear Lizzie in Alpine, the cutest little bakery on the block.  It was set up so cute and everyone got 15% off their purchase at the adorable little boutique.  
It's funny because Gentri and I email seriously like five times a day but we had never even met in person.  I felt like we were already great friends, so actually meeting her face-to-face was seriously awesome.  And every single girl there was amazing.  I was nervous to meet that many new girls, but I loved every last one.  I felt I had instant connections with tons of them and know I will want to hang out with them again for sure. 
If they'll have me :) 
Sara don't hate me....
Look at all those cute babes!
Gentri and Ashley arranged fun drawings from the surrounding businesses.  They're awesome :)
After Dear Lizzie kindly kicked us out, a bunch of us header over to Kneaders to eat and talk.  We stayed from 7:00 until 10:30.  Yes Kneaders closes at 10:00 and yes they probably wanted to stab us because we just plain outwore our welcome time-wise and annoyance-wise.  I can honestly say I have not laughed that hard in a LONG time.  I couldn't even breathe.  We talked about anything and everything under the sun, if you catch my drift.  
This blondie Alycia has the right to remain H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!  No joke.  I STILL can't get over the things she said. 
And Jenna and I still hopped up on who knows what, partied it up on the ride home....

Thanks for coming with me Jenna!
I have to say how incredible starting this little blog has been for me.  I have met so my amazing people through it, and actually meeting some of them in person was even better :)
Thanks again Gentri!