Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 1 of Wren's Holiday Bucket List... Winder Dairy!

Yesterday my fancy husband emailed me this:

Here are some things we need to do this holiday season

-Go to winder dairy on 4400 W 4100 S and get scones and egg nog.
-Go to the cool house with lights synced to the radio
-Temple square lights followed by café on 1st!
- Do a sub for Santa
-What else do you think?

How cute is he?  CUTE.
So last night we ditched our yoga class (yay!), bundled up, and crossed Winder Dairy off our list.  
I never even knew that you could go to Winder Dairy for anything other than milk.  But you can.  And it's amazing.  Their store is down this little Christmas lit lane of houses decked to the halls.  It is so cute!  Once inside they have scones and eggnog and all kinds of good milk (I got a peaches'n cream one and it's all I can think about) and hot chocolate and it's pretty much pure gold there!  
What?  A single thing of milk was basically the same price as a gallon... and we needed milk anyway so.... sue me.
Wren, you outdid yourself young man.  Good idea!  

I'd say the Withers kicked this Christmas season off with a bang!  BAM.  Onto the cool house with the lights synced to the radio.  What's this you ask?  Well stay tuned.... :)  It's pretty much perfection!  And after we do lights, and sub for Santa, in the famous words of Wren, what else do you think we should do?  
What are your fun plans for this holiday season?