Okay FIRST off, the cutest girl ever, Gentri, is doing a giveaway for one of my pillows from my etsy shop today. Wahoo! She's got the cutest blog and I think you should all go enter the giveaway...
PLUS she's got a coupon code to get 25% off ANY of my pillows for the entire week! WHAT!? YES!
So go, go, go here to enter! :)
Does anyone else have the issue of attacking of the sewing thread going on?
I know I do. It's like everywhere. I have millions of different colors, but every time I start a new project it sounds like torture to have to go look through the thread I already have. As a result, I end up just buying a new one. I know, super lazy and wasteful.
Well I was at Walmart the other day and I came across this precious little thing...
Only $9.98. What a clever way to keep your thread organized huh? And actually be able to FIND it when you need it. I should have invented it...
I wasn't digging the probably-will-give-me-slivers-look of it, so I spray painted the bad boy green...
Just look how convenient this will be?
You need green thread Sav? Oh okay, it's right in front of your face because you are so organized Sav.
Thank you Sav.
If you sew, I think it's a must have.
My life just got dramatically betta.
Now for the link up party!
As long as it's cool ;)
Just have it be a specific blog post link.
I want to see what you've created, done, eaten, made, worn, or just think is awesome enough you have to share!
Please visit a couple others who have linked up as well.
We all love some comments right?
Link away pretties....