Monday, April 8, 2013

Radcliff Update + Link Up!

My talented mom took these Easter pictures for me a couple weeks ago and I am just getting them posted now. Babies I tell ya! Can't live with em, can't live without em. She did such a good job of capturing my big smiley boy! 

This boy is growing up right before my eyes. They don't tell you all of the fun little details you'll witness in the process either. Man, it's so good. Radcliff is figuring out his finger tips right now. He loves pinching and touching anything he can with his chubby old pointer finger. Rather than man handling everything I set in front of him, he touches it with his finger tip. It's so adorable. He loves the grass and being outside. It can entertain him for hours. If I set him down on it he'll pull a blade and hold it in between his pointer finger and thumb right in front of his eye, studying it, slowly moving it back and forth. He is such an intuitive little baby, so concerned with other people and who they are. One of my friends said, "He just seems so wise, like he's an old soul trapped in a baby body." She couldn't have said it more perfectly because I have thought this since he was born. He's so close to crawling it's not even funny. He's always been so strong so it's hilarious to see him on all fours, fully capable of it, but not quite grasping how he needs to move what limb in order to go. He loves Baby Einstein shows. I'll set him on my bed and turn it on for him as I clean or get ready and my favorite thing to do is peek in at him as he watches. Sometimes I'll find him smiling at the TV as if they're his friends and other times I'll see him peacefully laying on the pillow next to him as he sucks his passy. Both things melt my heart! He's starting to pull himself up to a standing position in his crib so we had to lower the rails, just in case he one day soon decides to get daring. He loves car rides and listening to music while we go. He makes the motor boat noise the whole time. He already loves wrestling and attacking us. If we hold him close to our face he'll lunge in and bite our cheek or chin. Now that he has two little chompers it's not fun and games anymore! I bring him to Primary with me sometimes and he sings (yells) at the other kids excitedly during singing time. All of these things make him seem like not so much of a baby anymore, but then in a flash of an eye, he's pulling at my shirt leaning in for me to hold him like a baby so he can nurse. Man, does this kid like to nurse. Lately, he has loved nursing in the bathtub. The other day we were meeting Wren around lunch time and we were running late so I decided to nurse him in the tub. Well a half hour later, he still wouldn't unlatch and I finally relented and just let him go at it until he was good and ready. He stared up into my eyes for that solid half an hour and I was so in love as I pinched his fat legs, arms, and butt. In these moments it's clear he's still my baby after all. Goll, I love this dude. 
Now it's...
Rolled Up Pretty
Link WHATEVER, WHENEVER up! As long as it's cool ;) Just have it be to a specific blog post.
I want to see what you've created, done, eaten, made, worn, or just think is awesome enough you have to share! Please visit a couple others who have linked up as well. We all love some comments right?
Link away....