Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Silver Lake- It's Our Thang + Link Up

I'll tell you what, this kid loves the mountains. No seriously? Give him a view of some trees, a lake, throw him a rock, let him dig his little finger nails in the dirt, and he's happy for hours. 
We shuttled Wren to a trail at the top of Big Cottonwood last week, and while he rode, Rad and I walked around Silver Lake. You see, this has kind of been mine and his thing since he was born. It's always just been the two of us while Dad rides. I remember coming up when he was only about a month old and hurrying around the lake so the mesquites wouldn't get him and so I could nurse him before we had to pick Wren up at the bottom. I was still a nervous mommy and my uncertainty definitely showed. I wondered if he liked going around the lake? We came a few times as he grew a little bit more and we saw the brightly colored leaves and I wondered if Radcliff recognized the beauty around us. Last week we ran into a mother duck and her babies and Radcliff was just plain old amazed. We sat and watched them for awhile and it was the cutest thing staring into Radcliff's big brown eyes as he carefully watched them. After, we headed down to the water and he clapped his chubby hands (that look exactly like my chubby hands) and he wanted to touch it so bad. We walked past the pine trees and as he felt them he looked up at me as if he was saying, "Look Mom! It's sharp!" My point is, last week was by the far best time we've had because he understood so much more than he ever has before. I understand so much more about him than I ever have before. As each month passed in Radcliff's life I felt a twinge of sadness knowing I'd never have him back at that age again doing the things he did during that stage, but this walk opened my eyes and I realized how much funner he has gotten! By like a million times! Although he can't quite talk yet, he definitely communicates with me and it's pretty rad (no pun intended).
And it's a bit early but...
Rolled Up Pretty
Link WHATEVER, WHENEVER up! As long as it's cool ;) Just have it be to a specific blog post.
I want to see what you've created, done, eaten, made, worn, or just think is awesome enough you have to share! Please visit a couple others who have linked up as well. We all love some comments right?
Link away....