Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Weekend!

Father's Day is one of my favorite holidays because I have such a big place in my heart for fathers. I don't think there's anyone better, really! Well, maybe mothers ;) I could go on and on about the amazing Fathers in my life and how sweet and generous and giving they all are, but you've all heard it a million times, so I'll spare you. I love them all so much though! 
This Father's Day weekend was pretty low key and just what we needed. We started the weekend off right by sneaking out for a shopping date and Cheesecake Factory (that hamburger and those fries, OMG), while my parents watched Rad. We ate a fantastic brunch on Saturday with Wren's family and spent the day playing with them. Saturday night we went for a drive and took Red Mango yogurt to a park. Radcliff forced Wren to help him climb the rock wall over, and over, and over again. Wren never tires and I could watch them play together forever and ever! The night was brisk and somehow it made me excited for fall even though summer has just begun. Sunday morning, we woke up and I made a big breakfast for Wren. We found out that my sweet grandpa was emergency rushed to the hospital for blood clots and ended up having to have surgery to get his leg amputated. We are so saddened for him. Not a fun thing to have to go through ever and why on Father's Day!? He's the best Grandpa we could have asked for and I hate old age and having to watch him suffer. It's not ever fun to see your big, strong Grandpa get weak like he is now. We love you Grandpa!
I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to celebrate the wonderful Fathers in your lives!