Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Livin On Love and Refried Dreams PLUS ANOTHER LINK PARTY!

So I have been going through some old pictures lately and ran across these little gems that my mom took of Wren and I a couple months before we got engaged.
We were troopers.... it was late October and that water was so cruel and frigid.
I'm surprised we didn't lose a limb.

Don't we look like babies?  My hair is so short... and red?  That's funny, I don't remember having red hair.  Anyway, I love looking back at these pictures.
This was such a fun time in our lives.  It hadn't been long since Wren had returned home from Brazil where he had served a mission for the LDS church.
We had no idea where life was going to take us, but we did know we loved each other... A LOT :)
It's only been 4 years since this picture was taken, and so much has changed in our lives.
So much has happened.
We have both grown so much.
We are definitely blessed.
Let's just say that :)
Stay tuned... next week I will post our engagements.  
No one has really seen them, which is weird because I love them.    
PS Isn't my mom a fantastic photographer?  You should all use her sometime :)
Linking Up To:

Whatever.Whenever.Wednesday Link Up Party!
NOW, last week's link up was so fun and I was so excited about all the people who participated in my first one (thank you everyone!), let's do another shall we?  
It will be an every Wednesday type of thing, so check back next Wednesday too :)
Again, you can link up WHATEVER from either your blog or Pinterest 
OR, to make things fun and give this a genre, I'm supposed to have a genre huh?  You can link up some old school photos like I did above.
I just love seeing pictures from when people were young....blasts from the past, ALWAYS a good time!
AND, guess what else?  Unlike LAST week, I figured out how to do picture thumbnails rather than just a link....
Check me out :) 
OH (I'm almost done, and then I'll shut up) I would love for you to visit others who have linked up too and share some comment love.... we all love comments right?  Let's make someone's day!
  I can't wait to see what you've made, done, ate, dressed up in (or slept in), or what you did a loooong time ago in old pictures.
So without further ado, link away babies!