I was looking through Pinterest yesterday (which I normally do not do, it's just way too overwhelming for me, but nonetheless I did) and I spotted TONS of cute stuff that I thought would be so fun for the holidays...
With Thanksgiving only a couple days away, I had to share.
Are these shoes not the cutest things... EVER?
They are. Even Santa would be tryin to catch my eye :)
We are making desert for a Holiday party this year, do I dare try these?
They are pretty adorable and Wren's family would be thinking, "Oh my gosh, Savannah, what a domestic wife Wren has." I'd have them fooled and I'd feel cool. If I can pull them off that is. Maybe I'll outsource and claim they're mine ;)
Love this dress.
Would have no where in the world to wear it to, but still a nice idea that one day I might.
When I'm famous ;)
Fun little spin off of white tips, perfect for the holidays.
Normally I wear earrings that are large and in charge, but these little studs... are studs.
I love me some peppermint, especially this time of year. My mother-in-law's Baked Alaska is pretty much to die for.
I would imagine these would taste similar.
I thought about maybe attempting these for the holiday party, for like a fragment of a second, and then I threw that idea out fast Who am I kidding. This would completely push me over the edge.
Love these brown nails. So fun for Thanksgiving. Too bad they don't have this color in Shellac, because this would start chipping off a day after spending an hour painting it.
Why is nail polish so crappy like that?
Nail polish, you have the right to remain cute for a day, and then super annoying for a week after.
LOVE this green coat.
This whole outfit is so fun. Again, no where in the world to wear it to...
Maybe to Cafe Rio? ;)
Aren't these silver shoes fun? I could be Santa's little helper.
And last but not least, I'm getting these slippers and wearing them all year long.
And Wren will love me even more and won't be embarrassed or ashamed by me in the least :)
Have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING if I don't post before then!
Now for the link up party!
As long as it's cool :)
Just have it be a specific blog post link.
I want to see what you've created, done, eaten, made, worn, or just think is awesome enough you have to share!
Please visit a couple others who have linked up as well.
We all love some comments right?
Link away pretties....